A new year often has us feeling warm and fuzzy.
Then technology steps in and kicks you into the cellar.
If we were all smart, we would get a job in technology.
- You have job security
- No one else understands it
- You could stink at it and who would know?
I am a self-professed Pollyanna. I see the good in people first. And I like that.
That doesn’t mean I have to apply that same feeling to inanimate objects – like computers that don’t do what they are supposed to do.
Technology World
It’s not enough to simply plug in your computer and go.
- There’s software to install
- And hardware to add
- While you build against attack
Then like a recalcitrant child, it all decides not to get along.
What’s a Pollyanna to do?
Looking in All the Wrong Places
In the movie version, Pollyanna wears a locket with a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
“When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it,
you surely will.”
I surely found the bad in technology. I promise you, I was not looking for it.
The truth? Abraham Lincoln had no part of that famous quote. The movie director made it up.
I wonder if the director knows how to fix computers.
I agree! Cute post.
Hi Paige-nice to see you here! Thanks-glad you relate. 🙂
Cathy, day before yesterday my net connection went down. I get close to hysterical when that happens.
I was delighted when I got a tech that didn’t treat me like an idiot. I made sure to tell his supervisor what a great job he did… my theory is if I praise what I want more of I will probably get it.
Tech keeps me humble.
I feel your pain, Anne, and the humility. The fact that Akismet has done two recent updates makes me wonder if it was nefarious hackers at work once again.
That’s the problem – there are so many things it could be that we may never find the right source. Like I said, job security for the techie types, which I am definitely NOT. 🙂
Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone, Anne.
Hmmm. I have ten thumbs when it comes to sewing, but 90 digits when it’s technical.
To each, their own strengths.
And, that’s why there’s commerce!
Just think if you could sew, Roy. There’d be no stopping you. 🙂
Shoot, it’s just an inanimate object. Let’s see what Pollyanna would say about technology. How about, “But think of all the people you can help.” Or “Did you see all the charities online?” How about “Oh nuts.” No Pollyanna would never say that. She’d find some way to make it interesting, even if it was just putting the thing on a wall with a picture pasted inside the frame.
Ann-LOL! 😀 I especially like that last image. Maybe Pollyanna can add the solution inside that frame. Thanks for sharing a laugh. 🙂
I have had my ups and downs with technology this week (just see my current blog post). Yesterday my google account was in Bulgarian. Technology can be so frustrating.
Kristen-misery loves company, huh? I’m definitely hopping over to read about your techie woes. Thanks for sharing.
Totally been kicked to the curb by technology a few times. I commisserate, Cathy. 🙂
Like Anne said – keeps us humble. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Lori.