Last week brought the return of Project Runway.
I love this show.
My guest post last year at Lori Widmer’s blog gives you an idea why.
But, I hate Reality TV.
- I’ve never seen one episode of Survivor
- I could care less about the Bachelor
- Or the Bachelorette
I find these shows deliver a really bad message. They show us that the person who is the most devious and undercuts their competitors wins. I hope that is not my reality.
So, how is it I love Project Runway? Isn’t that Reality TV?
My Reality
The difference for me is the reason I watch Project Runway and other shows like The Next Food Network Star or Chopped.
It’s all about creativity.
- I love to see a designer make a winning dress out of garbage bags
- I’m amazed when a chef makes a delectable dessert from carrots, grits, pomelos and goat cheese
Now, that’s creativity. And creativity, in my book, trumps reality – and I don’t mean the Donald.
I love watching contestants test the boundaries of their creativity and imagination and succeed. And even if they fail miserably, they gave it their best shot.
True TV
Instead of all the “behind the scenes” drama, what makes the show enjoyable for me is how the contestants respond to each week’s challenge.
We start rooting for our favorites and when you think about it, a funny thing happens. Our favorites are those individuals who overcome great odds. We love their creativity, but we connect with them because of their character.
For me, that character is not necessarily the last one standing (as happened in last year’s Project Runway – in my humble opinion). And it has nothing to do with backstage drama.
That’s what I call true TV. Reality may be something else.
- Are you a Reality TV junkie?
- What’s your favorite show?
- What do you love about it?
I love your central underlying theme of “deviousness” in many of these reality shows, that’s a great point. I too despise “those” types of shows – I don’t watch much TV overall, but one reality show that I do enjoy is “What Not To Wear” – I love how they take people who have usually been suffering emotionally in some way, often due to some life crisis (or even just through caring for others & putting themselves last), and help them to rediscover their self-worth. Very uplifting!
Hi Nicky. I don’t watch too much TV either-mostly it’s the Food Network. I haven’t seen What’s Not to Wear in a long time, but I did like to see when individuals (as you so eloquently said it) rediscovered themselves.
Thanks for sharing a fav. 🙂
All coins have two sides to them. In life as in reality shows… when you only see the good side of something, you’re missing on the big picture. When you only see the bad side of something, you’re missing on the big picture. That’s something I always try to keep in mind, which helps me stay balanced.
Philosophicalities asides, I absolutely agree with your reasoning on reality shows. At worst they’re a dissertation on intrigue; at best, and exercise of creativity. Two sides to each coin, I tell you! 😉
A very good point indeed, Slice (you don’t mind if I call you Slice, do you?) 🙂
It’s not fair of me to slam shows I’ve never even seen, but you can’t escape the marketing of them, unless you are like my friend Anne Wayman, and don’t own a TV. IMHO, they choose to market the nasty side of these shows, which holds absolutely no appeal for me.
I try not to judge the individuals. You are absolutely right that there are two sides to every coin and I find that the angst usually hides a deeper issue. But, that still doesn’t make me want to watch the show.
Thanks for sharing