When I think of the 4th of July, the word freedom pops into my head. But that could be because the word freedom has become my mantra for 2009 – freedom to follow a dream. And like the fathers of our country, it may not be the easiest undertaking but I am committed to achieving that dream.
I have enjoyed hearing from others about their journey (albeit most have been family!) Love that family support! Check out some of the comments to my Welcome post. My very 1st comment was from Bret Dudl, someone I worked with in the recent past. Now, you talk about following your dream! Bret has always been passionate about wellness and healthy living. I admired that a lot about him. One of the major factors in my decision to freelance was to get back to the healthy living and eating that I was known for. Bret would probably be surprised to hear that as he saw me at a pretty low point from the standpoint of healthy living.
Costa Rica Dreaming
But I digress–you’ll find I do that. I was talking about Bret. It’s not all about me. Bret was the Vice President of Retirement Services at a brokerage firm in San Diego. He left that position to follow his dream and is now a Developer at La Joya Perfecta, the Center of Wellness in Costa Rica. It’s vision is to be a premier health and wellness community. Check out the beautiful photos at costaricanwellness.com. And Bret is getting married in Costa Rica today–the 4th of July. Congrats, Bret! Like I said, talk about following your dream!
Award-winning Brother
Then there’s my brother, Kevin. Sorry, but nepotism is definitely welcomed here! Kevin is an international award-winning writer, producer, and director of documentary films. His latest film, Generation Rx, I think is one of his finest. Of course, I am prejudiced. It examines the rise in psychiatric diagnoses among children and teens from 1980 to 2007. I was a claims supervisor back in those early years and remember the 1st time I saw a claim for a 5-year old boy who had been hospitalized for 45 days for a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. I was appalled.
Kevin is extremely passionate about health & wellness, as well, and although he and I have not always seen eye-to-eye on everything, I do admire his passion and how he has followed his dream. Kevin wrote on his blog today about a very scary 4th of July when another brother of mine (I told you I’m a middle child of 7!), Chris, who was almost killed at a park watching the fireworks in Lakewood, Ohio, when he was 15. A horrific storm blew trees about like they were toothpicks. But, I’ll let you read Kevin’s much more eloquent story-telling. Check out his blog.
I have many more stories to tell – after all I do have a large family and I have only touched on 2 of them here–like Beth Cothern, the youngest sibling, who commented on my Welcome posting and is in Kevin’s film as an expert counselor of troubled teens – another person following her dream! Then there is the oldest of the family, my sister, Terry, a dedicated teacher, and my brothers, Doug & Martin & Chris who Kevin wrote about–so many stories, so little time.
The 4th of July was the result of a dream. May you follow yours and find the freedom and happiness we all deserve. Share your stories and I hope you enjoy mine.
Have a safe & happy holiday!
You have definitely earned the right to enjoy your personal freedom — especially after so many years trying to change the system from within! It’s obvious that you have innate talents…and so I am wondering what it feels like to unleash those after keeping them bottled?
I am so very proud of the stand you have taken — and that you will truly live your life the way you see fit. Keep writing. . .it’s interesting how GOOD you are!
peace and love,
I take that as the highest of compliments coming from you. There is a local freelance writer with over 30 years of experience who has as her tagline – Write well and often. I like that! I am looking forward to the freedom to write about what I would like to write about in addition to the paying “gigs.”
I heard many good things about your article on Chris. Loved it–I did not know the story about him taking your new clothes–or at my age–it could be I did and I forgot I did!
The writing gene in the family is something a lot of us share and I am happy that you are taking the path that is right for you! Of all people Kevin has always done so and things have not been easy. I admire you both for being who you are and reaching for what you want, that is rare these days!
Much Love,
Aww, thanks. 🙂