If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed the new look.
I have a new theme. It’s very much a work in progress, so don’t be surprised to see more changes.
The last several weeks have been all about changes. In fact, there is a new look all over the place.
I can mostly thank Google for that.
New Look
Why thank Google? If it wasn’t for Google’s push toward mobile-friendly sites, I’d probably still be thinking about making changes.
It’s been awhile since my last News update, so I thought I would catch you up.
Mobile-friendly plugin
Thanks to the always helpful Jenn Mattern, I used the WPtouch Mobile Plugin as a quick fix until I was ready to work on my new themes. If you still need to adjust your site to a mobile-friendly platform but don’t have the time right now, this is a great solution. I am still using it over at my business communication blog (more about that later).
Neither Jenn’s site nor the plugin are affiliates (at least not the paying kind) so I do not gain any $$$ for passing this tip along.
Simply stated health care
My health care site was the first of my blogs to receive a makeover. Like this site, it is still evolving. So far, I’m kind of digging the minimalist look. But then you do know I am all about simple.
What do you think?
I’m trying to resurrect the site and get back to posts that help simplify health care, insurance, et al. How’s that for a challenge? The plan is to perhaps post once per month – or more frequently when the urge strikes.
Let me know if there are topics of interest you’d like to see.
New business site
I finally scored a domain with CathyMiller. Okay, it’s cathymiller.biz but since it is for my day job business site, I’m okay with the biz part.
Before setting up this site, my business information was housed on my business communication blog, Simply stated business. Much of it is still there; however, I will be linking my portfolio and services pages to my new cathymiller.biz.
Simply stated business
Speaking of my business communication site, you’ll probably notice it looks pretty much the same. That’s because it is. Ha!
I am in the middle of a year-long, alphabetic journey for better business communication. Every other week, I create a post based on each letter of the alphabet from A to Z. I’ve been enjoying the journey (hopefully, my readers have, too).
So I didn’t want to undertake any major changes for that site just yet. However, I do have plans to have a new look for that site by the beginning of 2016.
My goal is to convert that site into one for business communication tips, downloads, and ebooks. The design is to help promote better business communication. I will be moving my portfolio and professional services information to my Biz site.
Why 60 Miles
My blog inspired by my participation in the 3-Day Walk for the Cure has not changed. I will be converting it into a mobile-friendly theme in the future. For now, the look is the same and it has the mobile plugin doing its job behind the scenes (hopefully).
Speaking of the 3-Day, I’ll be going for Walk #12 in November. Woo-hoo! You can get a single post history of the Walks at Why 60 Miles.
That’s a Wrap
That’s it. You’re all caught up with my blogmania. Can you believe we’re on the downward slide to the end of 2015? Where does the time go?
Thank you for joining me along the way. It’s not like I haven’t offered you plenty of options in blogs. 🙂
I hope to share more with you and I would love for you to share your news as well.
Love the new digs, Cathy. Very stylish! Much more modern than the Thesis theme.
Thanks, Lori. I’m still playing with the theme but I am basically happy with it so far. 🙂
Cathy, you and the new site are looking great… what’s the name of the theme… or did I miss that.
Thank you, Anne. No, you didn’t miss it. It’s a Genesis child theme, Lifestyles Pro. My BIZ site’s child theme is Enterprise Pro, and my health care’s child theme is Whitespace Pro.