When Did I Start Adjusting?
I had something come out of my mouth this morning that I just don’t believe. I told my Mom, “It’s not that cold. It’s only 38 degrees.” Say what?! Just when did this woman who has spent the last 20 years living within 3 blocks from a southern California beach decide 38 degrees was “not that cold”? Can senility be far behind?
Minneapolis Cold Blast
I was born in the Midwest and lived 24 years there before moving to California (the 1st time). The last Midwest winter I lived through was in 1985 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You now probably understand why that was followed with 20 years on southern California beaches. While in Minneapolis, I owned a rose-colored down coat – you know, the ones that make you look like a sunburned Michelin Man. No, that is not me in the above picture – but then again, maybe it is. Who can tell?
When I left Minneapolis, I gave that coat to my Mom in Boise and told her, “I never want to see this thing again!” Of course, what was the first thing I saw when I opened my Mom’s hall closet? You guessed it, that blasted coat. How long will it be before I follow the fashion advice of two morning D.J.s in Minneapolis that advised, “When you move here, throw fashion out the window. It doesn’t matter if it matches. It only matters if it’s warm.” Experience your first 30 degrees below (WITHOUT wind chill factor) and you will quickly see..err…make that feel the wisdom of their words.
Everything’s Relative
One of my Dad’s favorite sayings was, “Everything’s relative.” So true, you don’t know cold until you live in Minneapolis. So, see, I really wasn’t so far off. Thirty-eight degrees is a practical heat wave! Break out the shorts.
We humans are an adaptable bunch. It really is quite amazing what we adjust to – even heat waves of 38 degrees. I’ve had a lot of adjustments over the years, some pretty major, others, not so much. It helps to keep it in perspective and not sweat the little stuff. Which, when you think about it, is easy to do in 38 degrees.
So, as this Thanksgiving rolls around, I am thankful for my family, my friends and yes, even 38 degree weather. Happy Thanksgiving. Stay warm – or cool. After all, everything’s relative!
P.S. Congrats to my Fight Like A Girl Team (Sue, Penny, Martina, Michelle & Jana) who completed the 3-Day, 60-mile Breast Cancer Walk in Phoenix last weekend. You rock, Girls!! Let’s sign up for 2010—San Diego is nice. And a shout-out to Sylvia for working the lunch crew at the 3-Day in Phoenix. Loved the hat with the giant fork through it!
P.S.S. The San Diego 3 Day Walk is this weekend – go ladies & gents!!
lol, I remember way back in college in Colorado when this native San Diegan took off her jacket when the weather got to 38 degrees! Am complaining today because it’s like 55!
And this morning I woke up to ZERO degrees! I will probably blog about that later (after work–focus, focus, focus!) During the many years I lived in San Diego I used to always say you could tell the tourists by the shorts in winter while I was wrapped in sweaters. Bet those tourists are laughing at me now!