More Unknown Facts About Idaho
In my continuing effort to take you on this journey with me, here are some additional things I bet you didn’t know about Idaho.
You’ve Got Spam!
The first fun fact is one I just found out this week. Reported in an article in the local newspaper, the Idaho Statesman, Idaho leads the nation in the percentage of spam e-mail. Almost 94% of our e-mail is spam! We have gone from the Spud state to the Spam state.
The reason for this Spam attack? Spammers figure there are more small businesses in Idaho. They figure it’s a pretty safe bet we don’t have sophisticated IT departments. My nephew, Keegan, MY IT-man, might resent that!
I should have known about this little-publicized problem. Before moving to Boise, I answered a Boise Craigslist ad for my writing niche. My work e-mail got buried in spam. Almost daily, I received requests from honest, caring financial advisors from all parts of the world, to assist them in getting proceeds to beneficiaries. Their nasty banks just had so many rules. And since they know me so well, they just knew I could be trusted to handle great sums of money. Of course, they would pay me for my trouble.
Does anyone really fall for this?!
More Fun (?) Facts
- A career guide for Idaho lists IT systems analysts as one of the fastest growing industries in Idaho
- So, beware Spud Spammers! Your days are numbered
- In what is pretty representative of Idaho’s diversity, IT systems analysts are listed just above roofers
- Good to know our IT guys will have a roof over their heads
- Idaho has the only state seal designed by a woman!
- The state insect is the Monarch Butterfly – who knew they had state insects?! But, hey, if you have to have one, a Monarch Butterfly is a pretty cool one
Well, I’m off to find a sports bar that has the San Diego Chargers football game. One thing Idaho doesn’t have very much of – San Diego football. Go Chargers!!
Until next time…
Live, Laugh, Love
After reading your blog, I am proud to be a fellow baby boomer. You affirm all my beliefs about those of us who have marched through so much of history. Much love, luck and happiness. God Bless, Cathy.
Baby Boomers Unite! Can you imagine what that would be like? A strong group, to be sure. It was so good hearing from you, Sunny! I hope your new venture and life is treating you well. Stay in touch!