Life can be TV’s version of facial recognition.
Distorted images whirl by, and if lucky, it lands on something recognizable.
I remember the first time (in a very long time) I noticed the vibrancy of a green leaf. It felt like that Wizard of Oz moment when Dorothy’s world went from black and white to technicolor. And it was right outside my door.
Twice, I lost my technicolor world. Twice, I gained it back. Hoping the second will last.
We’re trapped in our internet of things. Claiming communication, yet missing something human.
We tweet, text, Like, share. Morning, noon, and night. And for what?
To be the first message a waking world sees. Putting pedal to the metal in pursuit of search engine dreams.
Life fades. Breathing stops. Sundays become another day.
Will we take Sundays back? Do we remember how?
You can have your Sundays. I’ve not lost my Saturdays (Shabats)
Shalom aleikhem, Roy.
Good point, Cathy. Sunday used to be the day stores and gas stations were closed. Now, it’s a race to the mall to get the things we were too busy to get during the week.
I’m with you — take back Sundays. Enjoy something outside, enjoy someone’s company, spend it unwinding and finding your balance.
Sundays were always my peaceful days. Unplug and enjoy is my goal. 🙂 Thanks, Lori, for sharing your Sunday view. 😉