Do you believe there is a greater being looking down upon you?
And laughing his or her head off.
You know what I’m talking about. It’s those moments when you find yourself doing something so dumb, you just know someone else is behind it.
You have to believe it. The alternative is you are losing your mind.
And you know what Dan Quayle said –
“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”
When Minds Wander
Yesterday was one of those mind-blowing, exhaustive days. After finishing up work, I was getting ready to meet my younger sister who was in town for business. We were doing a late birthday celebration for my Mom.
I put my Blackberry in my purse, removing the car keys and setting them next to my purse on the table.
- I go into my office to get the directions off the printer
- I remove my coat from the hall closet
- I go back and grab my purse off the table
- No car keys
Wait – they were there. I just put them there.
When You Lose Your Mind – Pray
Fortunately, my Mom has her keys, so leaving my senior moment behind, we went out to dinner. When we came back, we searched high, low and everywhere in between.
- We checked trash
- We checked under the table
- We checked on top of the table
- We checked the box with my grandnephew’s birthday presents
- We checked my purse for the 20th time
- We checked my Mom’s purse for the 21st time (she doesn’t know about that last time, so let’s keep that just between us)
All the while doing this, we’re praying for guidance – because we know there is nothing else on God’s plate at the moment.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Turn the Light Out
I conceded defeat. I know those keys did not make it out of the house. They would just have to wallow in their lost misery. I was going to bed.
Then I thought about the last (of several questions) my Mom asked –
“Did you check your coat pockets?”
Well, of course I did – duh.
It had been raining and I debated between my rain slicker and my trench coat.
With the exaggerated suffering of a dutiful daughter I put my hand in the pocket of my winter coat – the one I hadn’t worn in days because it was too warm.
You guessed it – there were my keys – in a coat I hadn’t worn for days.
I wish I could say that was the first time the unexplainable happened.
As I lay my head down on the pillow, I swore I heard the distinct sound of laughter emanating from the heavens.
Maybe God just wanted you to wear a warmer coat?! 🙂
Ha-Now, that’s funny. I guess I didn’t get the message. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Kim, and delivering the message. 🙂