And apps to remind
We have forms to fill out
And chat lines to help
We tweet, we post, we pin our best
And for all of that, we cannot connect
Our calls get tangled in phone tree sap
Our emails are bounced in Do Not Reply
We wallow in a Do It Yourself web
With Gurus who tell us all we do wrong
For all of our toys and social media noise
Why is it so hard to simply connect?
Just sayin’
Good topic Cathy,
I’ve found the stuff that I almost wince about posting or sending because its “too controversial” or “HARSH” connects the best these days with people.
No risk = No reward
“They” say politics and religion are too risky and “we” shouldn’t talk about it.
I say where there’s risk there’s ACTION, deal the cards, ๐
Hi Darnell: I admit, I’m not much for jumping in the middle of controversy. It has more to do with my personal energy Geiger-counter – a.k.a. is it worth the energy? than it does the controversy.
However, I appreciate that we have the freedom to do so. My only benchmark is to be nice about it, and to not personally attack those with different opinions. But, then I am a Pollyanna. ๐
Thanks for taking the risk, Darnell. ๐
Maybe because there’s a lot of noise from these self-appointed gurus telling us “NO! Do it THIS way!” Makes it tough to just reach out, especially when reaching out is the goal.
I say be yourself and gurus be damned. They may have a large following, but I’ve always wondered about people who will follow blindly others’ advice. It’s the quality of the connections, not the quantity, that matters.
Hear, hear, Lori. ๐ Quality connections. I like that. ๐
Good point, ladies. Too many connections vs quality connections. Have a nice weekend both.
My solution is to start with ‘hello.’
Good place to start, Anne. ๐